Pmb 507
Guaynabo, PR 00966
Advanced Home Care es, un nuevo concepto en el cuidado de la salud en el hogar. Respondemos a las necesidades actuales de la industria de la salud partiendo de todas las iniciativas trazadas por los Centros de Servicios Medicare y Medicaid para mejorar la calidad y la eficiencia en la prestacin de los servicios de salud.
Provider Type
- Home Health
Payment Types
- Medicare
- Case Management
- Enterostomal Therapy
- Hospice
- Infusion Therapy
- Oncology
- Rehab
- Respite Care

- Dietitian Service
- Home Care Aide
- Nursing (RN LPN)
- Occupational Therapy
- Pastoral Care
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Care
- Social Service
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Volunteer
- Accredited Agency
- State Licensed Agency
- Medicare Certified Home Health Agency
The information on this page is provided by the agency. The Alliance for Care at Home does not warrant its accuracy or completeness.