Indianapolis, IN 46220-4853
With over 34 years of home health care experience serving Central Indiana, we have been dedicated to providing quality care for our clients in a wide range of areas. These include long-distance health care for an elderly relative, health care for physically or mentally challenged individuals, and pediatric care.
Whether you need health care for a family member still in the hospital, an elderly relative who needs the help of a companion, or a handicapped child or infant requiring skilled nursing care, we can provide the extra attention and professional nursing expertise you deserve and also have House Call Physicians to provide primary care in the patient’s home setting for those requiring professional nursing care.
Our nurses and health care professionals have a proven history of providing a full range of high-tech treatments and therapies in the home.
Provider Type
- Home Health
- Infusion
- Private Duty
Payment Types
- Medicare
- Medicare Advantage
- Medicaid
- Medicaid Managed Care
- Private Pay
- Veterans Administration
- Commercial Insurance
- Long Term Care Insurance
- Case Management
- Diabetics
- Geriatrics
- Infusion Therapy
- Pediatric
- Rehab
- Respite Care

- Home Care Aide
- Nursing (RN LPN)
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Care
- Social Service
- Speech-Language Pathology
- State Association Member
- State Licensed Agency
- Medicare Certified Home Health Agency
The information on this page is provided by the agency. The Alliance for Care at Home does not warrant its accuracy or completeness.